What seems to be an internal memo by the state-owned Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) announcing the sacking of staff from the Luo community has caught social media attention.

The memo is headed: “TERMINATION OF SERVICES OF CHARLES OCHIENG ODHIAMBO AS KPLC HEAD OF LEGAL”. But its text names several more staff whose contracts are supposedly to be ended.

“The Kenya Power Board of Directors has reached a decision to terminate the services of Charles Ochieng Odhiambo (Founding Partner of Odhiambo and Kamau Advocates) with immediate effect,” part of the memo reads. It has the company’s logo.

It adds that Odhiambo will be replaced by Charles Kigen.

The memo says the board has also terminated the contracts of John Kihenjo from the legal department, Maryanne Aoko Ouma from the human resources department, Silvanus Mc’Owino from supply and logistics, and Alice Mutua from the finance department.


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